AKC Coonhounds

AKC DNA & Coonhounds

The World’s Largest Database of Canine DNA

Mandatory Testing Not Required

The AKC Coonhound Events Program does not have a mandatory DNA requirement when registering coonhounds. In an effort to keep costs lower for customers we instead allow owners and breeders the option to voluntarily take advantage of having their dogs DNA tested at an affordable rate if they so choose. AKC uses the testing services of Neogen where additional markers are provided than is normally provided in testing results.

Affordability vs. Integrity

In achieving a successful balance of affordability and integrity, AKC has some DNA requirement stipulations in place for situations of frequently used sires, AI litters, or multiple sired litters. If a sire is used to produce a litter more than 3 times a year or more than 7 times in a lifetime a DNA profile is required. A prepaid test kit is $45. 

Transferring DNA Profile Information

Dogs already DNA tested processed thru other registries can be transfered for $20. AKC’s DNA Database uses a unique set of genetic markers, developed by our service provider, Neogen. All genotypes in the AKC Database can be compared and used for genetic identity and parentage verification. It is essential to guarantee that all DNA profiles in the AKC DNA Database are absolutely correct, that is why only AKC DNA profiles are entered into the database and when transferring records a sample must be obtained.

Complaint Policy

Should anyone be suspect of the recorded parentage of a dog or litter, a complaint must be submitted in writting with a $500 deposit. If the allegation is sustained the deposit is returned.

For More Information

Please visit our DNA RESOURCE PAGE, which has much more information regarding our DNA Program, additional services and latest scientific news.

Send questions to: dna@akc.org

DNA Operations: 919-816-3508

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