How To Start A Club

The steps are simple.
1. Send us your club application. 2. Get your dates lined up.
There is NO ANNUAL FEE required or initiation fee to pay. Send us your club application which will tell us where you are, how to get there, and who you are. Also, be sure to include a copy of your club’s bylaws – check out our sample bylaw template and bylaw requirements checklist if your club needs help drafting one. (Email us at if you would like a copy of the sample bylaws as a Word Doc your club can edit.)
Once we receive your application we confirm receipt, we let you know if anything is missing and upon approval we establish a club #. We use this to record your events. You are then contacted that your club can start holding hunts. Requests for dates can be done via telephone, email, fax or mailing an express application. For your convenience, dates must be submitted within a short lead time of just 3 weeks in advance. We accept dates as far out as you need. Club’s choose their own hunt type, entry fee, and deadline times.
New Clubs
If your club is just starting out and is less than 6 months old, an informal buddy hunt (aka preliminary hunt) must be held. The purpose of this is to allow your club to have a dry run according to the AKC rules for the first time. We do not need to know the results, just the information on the Preliminary Hunt App.
AKC Coonhound Events
8051 Arco Corp. Drive/Ste 100
Raleigh, NC 27617-3390
tel: 919-816-3909
fax: 919-816-4209